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REVÓL: The Story of a Flag

Playing at The Booth Playhouse August 21, 22, & 23 at 7:30p

REVÓL follows the history of a flag. From its first inception and the battles which followed, we see the stories of many characters throughout hundreds of years. REVÓL connects events, people, and images to give insight on the lives of millions. By crafting living, breathing images we believe we can tell a powerful, impactful story around on-going issues in our society.

With this production, Nouveau Sud lies between contemporary and modern circus. REVÓL includes a mix of unique and surrealistic characters, unique and exciting acrobatic acts, and live music. Through these elements and more, we create the dark and mysterious world of REVÓL.

“Stories are local, but emotions are universal.” – Franco Dragone


QC Nerve: Nouveau Sud Traces a Tattered Symbol’s History

By Pat Moran | July 30, 2019

“From an acrobatic illustration of oppression and the seven deadly sins to a plea to preserve the safety of the city’s people of color, Charlotte circus arts ensemble the Nouveau Sud Project has never shied away from controversy. With their newest performance, REVÓL: The Story of a Flag, going up at the Booth Playhouse August 21, 22 and 23, the troupe’s aerialists and acrobats may be tackling their most difficult subject to date.”